Ans: As long as the piercing is done just inside the rolling edge, there are no particular risks involved in the piercing as such. Before you decide to have the cartilage part of your ear pierced, you should however understand, that there is not the same kind of “built-in” protection against infection in cartilage as there is in the soft part of the ear (the ear lobe). While you have blood vessels in the soft part, there are no blood vessels in cartilage. The white cells and the oxygen in the red cells of the blood act as a defense against infection. As there are no blood vessels in the cartilage there is no defense mechanism against infection. This means, that it is even more important for your cartilage pierced ear, that you carefully follow the written after care instructions, which will be given to you by the piercing practioner. In the case of an infection in cartilage we recommend that you remove the earring, clean with an antiseptic and go and see a physician immediately.