Ans: By plating only the top it is only the extremely skin-friendly titanium that comes into direct contact with your skin and hence there is virtually no risk for an allergic reaction. In addition, new EU nickel regulations stipulate that ear piercing earrings must contain less than 0,05 % nickel and be homogeneous – this means that a gold plating is not allowed on any parts that come in direct contact with the body. We are not born with nickel allergy. Nickel allergy is a skin contact alllergy which can develop as a result of continuous contact with objects that contain nickel, such as zips, buttons, coins, and jewellery. Ear piercing is a strong contributing factor to the increasing numbers of nickel allergy sufferers. World wide clinical studies have all identified and confirmed ear piercing as a prime risk factor for developing nickel allergy, with as many as 10-30% of all women affected. Once you have developed a nickel allergy there is no remedy which can cure the allergy. The only solution is to avoid all contact with metals containing nickel. However this can be very difficult because all metals contain nickel, even gold and silver, mostly in the form of impurities. Therefore, there are no metal earrings which are entirely free from nickel. If you already have pierced ears we recommend that you wear Blomdahl Caring Earrings – earrings developed in consultation with skin specialists.