Ear Piercing

15 03, 2017

My kids want to have their ears pierced. I have heard that ear piercing can cause nickel allergy. Is that correct?

2017-03-15T18:32:55+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: The ear piercing procedure as such cannot cause nickel allergy. It is the material that some ear piercing earrings are made of which can cause nickel allergy. All ear piercing earrings made of metal contain nickel– more or less – even gold and silver. The only ear piercing earrings that do not contain any [...]

15 03, 2017

Among friends we discuss whether gold is less allergenic than titanium and therefore better for ear piercing. Would you be so kind to give us the correct information.

2017-03-15T18:32:40+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: If both metals gold and titanium contain the same amount of nickel, titanium is the best metal for ear piercing as titanium binds nickel better than any other metal, including gold. In other words titanium will will leak less nickel than any other metal, which means that titanium is less likely to cause nickel [...]

15 03, 2017

On the after care instruction that I received when I had my ears pierced, it says nothing about using an antiseptic! Why?

2017-03-15T18:32:19+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: An ear piercing means that you have got a wound. There are two kinds of wounds non infected wounds and infected wounds. Infected wounds should be treated with an antiseptic. A fresh ear piercing is however a non is however a non infected wound. Non infected wounds should be kept CLEAN, DRY and AIRY. [...]

15 03, 2017

I was told that a thicker needle is better than a thinner needle for ear piercing. Is that so?

2017-03-15T18:31:26+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: A thicker needle has got a very important advantage; there is more room, which makes it easier to switch to normal earrings after the healing period. With a thin ear piercing needle there is a greater risk that you will scratch the walls of the piercing when switching earrings, causing a new wound and [...]

15 03, 2017

Can I be allergic to plastic?

2017-03-15T18:31:05+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: One can develop an allergy to practically every substance also plastic materials. However, the specific plastics of medical grade that we use for the ear piercing earrings (and also normal earrings) have been used extensively on a regular basis in and on humans for more than 35 years. In the medical literature there are [...]

15 03, 2017

Why do you only plate the top of the ear piercing earring with gold and not the whole earring?

2017-03-15T18:28:41+00:00March 15th, 2017||

Ans: By plating only the top it is only the extremely skin-friendly titanium that comes into direct contact with your skin and hence there is virtually no risk for an allergic reaction. In addition, new EU nickel regulations stipulate that ear piercing earrings must contain less than 0,05 % nickel and be homogeneous – this [...]

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